Providing students real-life experiences in hospitality
Tall Timbers is dedicated to supporting the community and wider tourism and hospitality sectors. By providing this opportunity to the Marist Regional College students, we are showing the realities of the work.
This is the second year that Marist has joined the team at Tall Timbers, to engage and gain experience in hospitality in a real environment to enhance the classroom experience they achieve at the school level.
Everyone has their own perspective of the hospitality and tourism sectors and what it is like to work within them. This program allows students to dive into the realities of hotel operations. It is not just the service of food and beverage or housekeeping; but the reception staff who set the tone for guests’ visits, the kitchen staff that prepare and create the amazing food, the maintenance team who ensure the property is working smoothly for a stress-free and safe stay, and beyond.
By opening students’ minds to practical experiences in these varied areas, students can better determine their own path going forward. We want everyone to pursue a career that is fulfilling and works with their strengths while also being challenging. By opening behind the scenes at Tall Timbers, we are providing each student with real-world experiences to set them on the career path that appeals most to them. If they decide to pursue further study or employment in this area, they are more likely to stay in the sector having had this experience.
During the program, our own team can share what they have learned and experienced with those looking to enter the same industry. Shining a realistic and relatable light onto the opportunities of the sector allows students to better assess if it is something they want to pursue. Ultimately it is for the students, but it is a fantastic experience for our team too. It’s a week of reflection and teaching for our people who should be proud of the work they do.
As an industry focussed company, we hope that each and every one of the students gain employment in hospitality and achieves the career goals they have set themselves.
Certificate II in Hospitality
Hayley always wanted to be in hospitality, so she elected to study ‘Introduction to Hospitality’ in grade 10. Since she enjoyed the introduction course, Hayley continued her studies into grade 11 with ‘Certificate II in Hospitality’.
Through these courses, Hayley and her classmates have learned about the different areas of hospitality and how they work, cultural diversity, and ethical issues that could happen in the workplace.
“Coming to Tall Timbers has been really fun because we’ve got to see how different areas work; how it all functions. Mostly, it’s a really good time here because you see a bunch of people, and you don t really understand how things work. Because you just come to a hotel and assume all this stuff is easy. There is a lot of effort that comes into the different roles. There’s a lot of work to do in reception – so many computer things to do. Guest services, you need to make sure everything is clean and everyone is comfortable in their rooms.”
Hayley is also studying a ‘Certificate II in Baking’. She has really enjoyed her experience in both of these areas so will definitely pursue one when she graduates.
Certificate II in Hospitality
Jasper wasn’t sure what career he wanted to pursue earlier in his high school studies. He was drawn to hospitality after some thought and the combined influences of his brother and coffee.
Jasper’s brother had studied hospitality during his own time at Marist Regional College and had some positive experiences that motivated Jasper to give it a shot. He also loves coffee so it seemed like a good enough reason as any to get a feel for the sector.
Like Hayley, Jasper also studied ‘Introduction to Hospitality’ in grade 10 and he enjoyed it, finding it quite fun and didn’t mind the shifts that turned off some students.
Jasper’s experience at Tall Timbers has been his first in the workforce and it’s been an enlightening one.
Through working in Reception, the Thirsty Camel bottle shop, Millers Sports Bar, and Guest Services, Jasper definitely got a feel for what he does and doesn’t enjoy. He particularly liked working in the bottle shop, stating – “I had a lot of fun with it. It was really fun actually.”
Jasper got rave reviews from Dani and Alison at Reception.
Certificate II in Kitchen Operations
Talon’s studies of Kitchen Operations at Marist Regional College will continue into commercial cookery – cheffing etc.
Among many industry specifics and nuances, Talon has learned a wide range of cooking methods, and how to apply standard practices in the workplace throughout his education.
Talon says “It’s really good to come to a place like Tall Timbers where it’s a professional kitchen and you’re able to see those standard practices in action and implement them yourself.
“At school, I am just following recipes – like I am doing here, but the difference is that I’m not serving 30-40 customers. It’s nice to get the dinner time rush and experience that. That’s probably the main benefit of doing a work placement.
“I wouldn’t say it’s stressful; it’s a different environment. It gets you in your focus mode, where you’re just doing it and not really thinking. Which is different from what you would experience in school. During that learning process, you’re always thinking, whereas here you are just doing.”
Talon really loves the snow and is aiming to have a job up on the snow where he can snowboard during the day and have a job cooking in the evenings.
“The opportunity to freely move so if you have a profession behind you like cheffing, you can pretty much pick a place and get a job” Talon said.
Talon graduates at the end of October which is really soon. “I don’t think it’s processed yet,” he said with a smile.